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Road bike circular routes

Volta a Alpens

Berga-Vilada-Borredà-Alpens-Sant Agustí de Lluçanès-Santa Eulàlia de Puig-Oriol-Lluçà-Santa Maria de Merlès-Puig-reig-Gironella-Berga


For Berguedans cyclists, going to Alpens is a classic. However, the way to the point of return can be very different. Some people make it shorter or longer. In either case it is a leg-breaking route where the climbs and descents - although none of them are excessively hard - alternate constantly in a crowd of hills and cols that do not allow us many moments of continuous respite.

 On this occasion we suggest you choose one of the longer options that will take you through a good part of the north of Lluçanès, the Merlès stream and return following the course of the Llobregat river and the industrial colonies scattered in the south of Berguedà on a route of around 100 km.


The route starts at the car park at the Sant Magdalena pass, opposite to the restaurant La Cabana. Take the old Cercs road (C-1411a) for a few metres, as you will soon follow the main road BP-4654 until you cross the C-16 underneath. Once you have crossed this main road, start the descent that will take you down to the Baells reservoir, following the C-26 in the direction of Vilada and Ripoll. 

After the reservoir, a gentle and steady climb begins until you reach Vilada. We pass Vilada to follow the Mergancol stream - we have it on the right - to Borredà, alternating flat with small ups and downs, but with a tendency to go upwards. 

Continue along the C-26 towards Ripoll-Les Llosses and a couple of kilometres further on you will come to a fork that you take on the right, towards Alpens-Sant Quirze de Besora and start the descent to the Puigcercós shed, on the Merlés stream. Here we start the ascent to Alpens where we can stop for refreshments and to visit a real village-museum around the forge.

Continuing along the same road, we will begin a descent that will take us to the Sant Agustí pass. We leave the current road to turn right onto the BV-4653 towards Prats de Lluçanès for one kilometre where we turn right onto the BV-4341 following the signs to Santa Eulalia de Puig-oriol where we arrive at the head of 9 km.

 In Santa Eulalia we can take a break and refresh ourselves. Continue along the same road towards Lluçà, where you will pass by the monastery of the same name, a Romanesque jewel that is well worth a visit. Follow the road until you reach the C-62, which you take to the right towards Gironella, going steeply downhill until you reach the Sant Cristòfol guesthouse at the foot of the Merlès stream. At this point, leave the main road to take the BV-4406 and follow the course of the stream down past the village of Santa Maria de Merlès.

From here we start to climb the ascent that will take us to the col de la Guardia - a sanctuary that we leave on our right, at the top of a hill - where we start a steady descent to Puig-reig. Here we take the C-1411z, to go up the Llobregat up through the various textile colonies of the Llobregat river, the town of Gironella until we reach Cal Rosal. Here we will leave this road to turn left towards Graugés on the BV-4135 and continue until we reach the C-26 at the roundabout at the entrance to the Valldan industrial estate.

Follow this road on the right towards Berga. Once in Berga, continue along the Moreta ring road and the Ribes road until you reach the Santa Magdalena pass, the end of the route.


  • Technical sheet

  • Route number: 07

  • Town: Berga

  • Type: Difficult

  • Distance: 98 km.

  • Time: 5,5 hores

  • maximum altitude: 935 m.

  • height difference: 1725 m.

Documents and links


Carretera C16 Km 96

 08600-Berga. Phone (+34) 654 125 696

Monday to Friday: 9 to 14h.

Saturday: 10 to 14 & 16 to 18h.

Sunday and holidays: 10 to 14h.

E-mail: turisme@elbergueda.cat



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